The Official Akron Bicentennial Magazine

Participating in this unique publication is a wise investment for your company to promote your brand by telling your story and contribute to the success of the Akron Bicentennial celebrations being held December 2024-December 2025.

– Align yourself with Akron’s celebratory milestone.
– Foster community engagement and leave an indelible mark on Akron’s legacy.

Readership: 400,000+

  • MAILED to every family and business in the City of Akron
  • WIDELY DISTRIBUTED to all major employers, colleges and universities, libraries, the Akron-Canton Airport, and places where people gather—community centers, coffee shops, restaurants, and cultural organizations
  • READ by Greater Akron residents, the region’s largest employers, government agencies, nonprofits and HR personnel, economic development personnel, newcomers to the region, and a year’s worth of visitors
  • PRINTED and FULLY DIGITAL MAGAZINE available on the City of Akron’s and AKRON 200’s websites with updates throughout the year via social media and QR Codes at key locations


Your organization can expect increased positive public awareness among a large, diverse audience—Greater Akron! In addition to your Bicentennial message, receive benefits based on your level of participation:

  • Logo recognition in the magazine
  • Logo recognition on Akron 200’s website
  • Special recognition at Bicentennial events
  • Invitation to appreciation event
  • Free admission to special ticketed events, including the Bicentennial Bike-a-thon
    and select concerts.
  • Additional copies of the magazine as requested
The Official Akron Bicentennial Magazine

Levels of Support

Ask us about custom packages in addition to these.

Ad Reservations due: October 2, 2024

Art due: October 9, 2024


Gail Kerzner
Major Sponsor Development
Live Publishing Company

Akron Bicentennial Magazine Levels of Support chart

*All Bicentennial Signature Events, including December 2024 Opening Ceremony, July 2025 Homecoming Event and Parade, December 2025 Closing Ceremony, and others TBA.

**Inclusion of object into the Time Capsule – size requirements TBD.